Shire Sounds
North Northamptonshire's Home of the HitsNorth Northamptonshire's Home of the Hits - Local radio for North Northamptonshire Part of the Play Radio Group.
Programs and Announcers
The Sound Of Kettering - The best mix of music for Kettering, The Nightshift on Shire Sounds - The best mix of music throughout the night, Daytimes with DJ Shaun - Sponsered by Wilsons Independent Locksmiths, Late Night Love - An hour of chilled hits to end the day, Charlie Stone - Charlie has the best hits to end your Monday, with the VS Competition too, The Musicals Way - with Oli Hackett, Party Anthems - The best tracks for getting ready to go out, or stay in..., KetteringHour with Simon Cox - Simon reads out your KetteringHour tweets and is joined by a business guest
Telephone: 01536647150